
The Home page versus the About page

Website owners often muddle up their content messaging on key web pages. At EditMe Communications, we've noticed that even in the face of commonsense arguments against content decisions, some business owners cling to web copy that makes no logical sense simply because they wrote it themselves. Perhaps it's just human nature to have difficulty letting go due to emotional attachment.

But when irrelevant content is written for web pages that should serve a distinct marketing purpose, uncertainty arises in the mind of the web visitor.

Take the Home page versus the About page. Ideally, the Home page should be a gateway to the rest of the website. It is often the first page encountered through search or type-in traffic. It is also the place web visitors first land when they already know you or have heard of you. Creating a positive image is number one. It should welcome the visitor, outline key services, and highlight any specialties and unique selling points that separate this business from the competition. It should be short on text, heavy on visuals and have intuitive navigation that addresses the user's needs. The Home page can also give general geographic location (if you are after local traffic).

On the other hand, the About page is where you should provide more details about your organization. It should give a brief company history, and list any charities your company supports. You may choose to outline the skills of the people involved or you can provide a separate page with personnel bios.

The Home page may summarize some of the About page but the overlap should be minimal.

Unfortunately, many businesses jumble or cross-pollinate content on these two crucial pages. I often see Home pages that leave me perplexed as to what the person/company/organization actually offers, why they are unique and what action I should take next. They may tell me a thing or two but they fail on other key points. They may have images but little or no text, no logo, or only the logo. These Home pages leave me with an impression only—and not a good one.

If I'm patient I may click over to the About page where I may find information that should have been on the Home page. Or not. Chances are, I'll just give up and click away.

Don't leave users and potential customers trying to decipher what the heck your web space is all about, especially when marketers, content writers and web designers are here to help.

Obtaining impartial and expert advice is an excellent way to start anew.

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